Douche Jockey
Douche Jockey is when a DJ that is not playing hi-fives a DJ during their set to show how good of friends they are.
Check out the Red Alien Invasion Tour at the Re:Fresh Outdoor Gathering. DJ Red Sonya and I will be performing together as the Red Alien Invasion. We will be playing a special spooky set to get you in the mood for Halloween, you have been warned!
Uber driver music not sorted at all by any means. I ride a lot of Uber and the music is random at best and terrible most of the time. There has to be a better basic standard for what is at least a theme
Photek Natural Born Killa EP 2015 re-master is now on Spotify:
Techno Viking sues artist, the story here. Watch the documentary and let me know what you think in the comments.
This Video was shot by Ryan Martinez. San Francisco knows how to throw a party!
Eat Better Think Simple Hostess 10 for 10