It’s Always The Nice Yards
That dogs poop on.
DJ Showcase, Gibson Guitar Showroom, Beverly Hills. Special Guest: Photek with performances by MC Dino, Alien Tom, DJ Red Sonya, DJ Construct, Shotcolin.
than you can imagine.
MINDMELD is hosted by Gerry (HUMBLE GUY) and John (PABULUM), who invite their friends EVERY FOURTH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH to play tunes together. MINDMELD is where we can have our different musical expressions blend into one cohesive phonic consciousness.
Sunday, October 26th Community features Guest DJs including Alien Tom, Adam Salter, Bass Mechanic, Yusef, Third Twin plus live performers and artists.
Red Alien Invasion at the Ruby Room in San Diego, CA. We have a special guest with us from Los Angeles. DJ Construct with MC ? along with Southern Californias Alien Tom and DJ Red Sonya. Opening the night we have from Dragon Lounge, DJ Arkon. See you next to the speakers!